Fermented dill cucumbers
Small cucumbers
Filtered water to cover
Sea salt
5ish dill stems
1 tbsp of mustard seeds
1 tbsp black peppercorn
2 tsp of fennel seeds
2 tsp of dill seeds
4 garlic cloves, halved
3 bay leaves
1) Sterilize a jar in boiling water and wash the cucumbers.
2) Place the jar on a scale and tare its weight. Now add the cucumbers, and cover them with filtered water, leaving a bit of room at the top. Note the weight of the cucumbers and water, and multiply that number by 0.02. That number is the amount of salt you will need ( for ex: mine weighted 1350g. 1350x0.02= 27).
3) Pour out the water in a bowl/container, and remove the cucumbers from the jar. Mix in the salt to the water until fully dissolved. Take the jar and add in the dill, mustard seeds, peppercorns, fennel seeds, dill seeds, garlic and bay leaves. Pack the cucumbers back in and pour the salted water over. Close the lid of the jar tightly, making sure the cucumbers are well submerged (you can put some weight in it to keep the cucumbers down).
4) Set the jar aside in a corner away from direct sunlight. Leave to ferment for 2 to 4 days, checking each day that the cucumbers are well submerged and pushing them back in if needed. Once fermented keep in the fridge.