Date caramel chocolates
Makes 21 chocolates
1 big cup (200g) of medjool dates, pitted
3 tbsp of tahini
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1/2 tsp of salt
100g of dark chocolate
2 tsp of coconut oil
Flaky sea sal to top
1) Soak the dates in hot water for 15 minutes, then drain.
2) Blend the dates, tahini, vanilla, and salt in a food processor until smooth and a paste forms.
3) Line a loaf pan with parchment paper. Transfer the caramel in the pan and spread it evenly and firmly with a spatula. You can wet the spatula with water to make it less sticky. Freeze the caramel for 1-2h until firm to touch.
4) Transfer the parchment paper with the frozen caramel on a cutting board and slice into 21 cubes (7x3), wetting the knife with hot water when it gets too sticky. Transfer the cubes back in the freezer while you melt the chocolate.
5) Melt the chocolate with coconut oil using a double boiler. Once melted, take two forks and gently dip the caramel squares into it. Place the squares on some parchment paper, and sprinkle immediately with flaky salt before the chocolate cools. Refrigerate until set. Once set, cut the extra side bits of chocolate with a knife to have nice squares.
* The handling of the caramel will be sticky so don’t hesitate to wet you knife or spatula before handling.